
Hello mes chics, welcome to the Bordeaux category! I know what you might be thinking—“Why focus on Bordeaux wines when the motto is ‘Drink Beyond Bordeaux’?” Here’s the deal: When I started my wine journey, Bordeaux was the first place I dove into. It’s like the gateway that helped me build a solid foundation. My WSET teacher always said, “Start with Bordeaux,” and that’s exactly what I did. So why should you care? Understanding Bordeaux is like learning the basics of a new language. It gives you the context and knowledge that make exploring other wines even more exciting. Plus, it’s pretty fascinating! Here’s what you’ll find in this category: All about the French wine of Bordeaux Why do Brits call Bordeaux Claret What wine is most similar to Bordeaux Starting with Bordeaux isn’t just about sticking to the classics; it’s about building a strong base that makes exploring other wines even more rewarding. Think of it as your stepping stone to discovering wines from all over the world. Cheers to exploring Bordeaux and using it as a springboard for your wine adventures!

  • What cheese goes with Margaux?

    What cheese goes with Margaux?

    I usually like to pair my cheese with white wines, mostly dry. I’ll pair blue cheese with sweet white wines. But, wine and food pairing is very subjective. And some like to pair red wine with cheese. Now let’s see what cheese goes best with Margaux wine. What kind of wine is Margaux? Margaux is the southernmost AOC, covered by…

  • Can Bordeaux be a 100% Merlot?

    Can Bordeaux be a 100% Merlot?

    Bordeaux wines are usually blends. Indeed, the weather can be rather unpredictable and above all changes is a lot from one year to another. This is called the vintage effect. Thus, relying on one grape variety to make the wine is often seen as a risky move. Merlot is the fourth most widely planted grape variety. It is believed to…

  • What are the 5 Grand Cru of Bordeaux?

    What are the 5 Grand Cru of Bordeaux?

    Bordeaux is known throughout the world for its prestigious wines. And this is not today’s news. This has been the case for centuries. Whether you like Bordeaux or not, this wine region has been on a pedestal since the Middle Ages now. Its influence can be seen worldwide : Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are the most common blends. How did…

  • What does Médoc taste like?

    What does Médoc taste like?

    For those who’ve been following me for a while, you would know what kind of wine is a Médoc wine. If you’re new don’t worry, I’ll start by reminding you of the key points. First, let’s a clear up one thing : do not mix up the AOC Médoc and the geographical area. Indeed, the French have made it confusing…

  • What kind of wine is Haut-Médoc?

    What kind of grape is Haut-Médoc?

    Haut-Médoc is an appellation that belongs to the Bordeaux wine region. Its vineyards lie on the Left Bank of the Garonne river and is located south of the Médoc appellation. It lies north of Bordeaux. Bordeaux wines are usually a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot mostly, but the quantities vary depending on the Bank you’re in. The Left Bank…

  • When should I drink Haut-Médoc?

    When should I drink Haut-Médoc?

    Haut-Médoc wines are from the Bordeaux region. These wines are known to age well, for sometimes three decades! So, if you have a Haut-Médoc wine in your cellar : when should you drink it? When should I drink a Haut-Médoc wine? A Haut-Médoc wine is made from Cabernet Sauvignon mostly which represents three quarters of the blend. These wines can…

  • two glasses of wine

    Is Médoc or Saint-Emilion better?

    Médoc and Saint-Emilion are two appellations that belong to Bordeaux. However, the former lies on the Left Bank of the Garonne river, whereas the latter lies on the Right Bank. Bordeaux wines are a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, mostly. But the proportions depend on the Bank you are in, due to the terroir. Indeed, Bordeaux are known to…

  • What type of wine is Saint-Emilion wine?

    What type of wine is Saint-Emilion wine?

    Saint-Emilion was the first wine-producing region to be listed as Unesco World Heritage. It’s actually a very nice village and on TripAdvisor or Getyourguide, you’ll get a large choice in visiting this village and tasting the wines. But first, what type of wine is Saint-Emilion wine? The impact of soil on the type of Saint-Emilion wine Saint-Emilion lies in the…

  • What wine is similar to Bordeaux?

    What wine is most similar to Bordeaux?

    Bordeaux is known to be an expensive wine region. While that’s not entirely true, meaning, there are a lot of inexpensive wines, I would understand that you may want to look for Bordeaux-like wines outside of Bordeaux. Moreover, French wine might not be available in your country or with cosmic prices… But to be sure that we’re talking about the…

  • What kind of wine is a Médoc?

    What kind of wine is a Médoc?

    Médoc is a wine region AND an appellation (but we’ll come back to that) in the Bordeaux wine region. First, Médoc comes from “med” and “oc”. “Med” means in the middle and “Oc” is short for ocean or water in a larger sense. This region is located between the Atlantic ocean and the Gironde river, hence the name “Médoc”. Médoc…